E3: Empowering our members, Enriching our communities, and Elevating our brand.
“It took me awhile to find my footing as a realtor. Texas Association of Real Estate Brokers not only aided me in gaining the support I needed, it helped me to understand my strengths.”
- Michael Porter, Texas Realtist

The Texas Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc., (TAREB) is the state governing body for chapters of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc., (NAREB) located across the state of Texas. Members are known as REALTISTS, a term which describes the African American Real Estate Practitioner since 1947. Realtists promote the highest standards of professional integrity and follow a strict code of real estate industry ethics. We have a special charge to make certain that communities of color are treated with dignity and respect.
TAREB works through partnerships with local and state businesses and like minded organizations which help promote fair housing and assist its local chapters in providing meaningful events and opportunities to service members and provide information to consumers.
TAREB is a state Real Estate Trade organization in Texas, open to housing and real estate professionals who support our national and state mission. Once a local chapter is established, the body becomes a part of the state chapter, which is governed by an elected Board of Directors and the state Constitution and ByLaws, which are in line with the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc. (NAREB). Officers of the Board consist of local Presidents from each chapter, and other elected directors from local chapters across the state. This structure provides opportunities for all of the local chapters across the state to have a greater voice in housing and real estate matters, by joining with colleagues from across the state.
The parent organization for TAREB is the National Association of Real Estate Brokers, Inc., (NAREB), America's oldest minority professional trade organization. For additional information about the parent organization, visit: http://www.nareb.com/
State elections are held each year at the state convention held during June of each year. The state convention is used to address specific statewide housing and real estate matters, address training needs among members and provide a networking forum in which members from across the state can share experiences, knowledge and friendship. The membership represents a "full life cycle" concept for consumers seeking direction and assistance in the housing industry.
Consumers may contact the nearest local chapter for real estate and housing assistance to purchase, sell or refinance single family, multi family, rental property, vacation property or obtain information on how to develop communities within the state. Once connected with a local chapter, the requests for other services needed for the full life cycle of the request, may be referred to other professionals in that local area, or to partners who support the vision and mission of NAREB and TAREB.
Professionals who are interested in membership should consider the closest local chapter to your location and contact that chapter for additional information. Should you find that there is not a location near you, this is a great opportunity to work with our Regional Office and state Board to determine the feasibility of establishing a chapter in your local area. Contact the state President for additional information.
Members of TAREB are licensed housing and real estate practitioners providing professional services in the following disciplines:
Real Estate Sales (Agents & Brokers)
Mortgage Originators (Loan Officers & Brokers)
Insurance Professionals
Title Companies
Property Management Professionals
Housing Counselors
Other housing professionals/disciplines
Members of TAREB maintain all required licensing requirements for their disciplines in accordance with state rules and regulations. The state chapter adopts the Constitution and By-Laws of its nationally chartered chapter in all areas of business and operation. TAREB adopts the mission of the National chapter, and uses the same philosophy in its state operations.